TAMS is a  5 year programme for capital grants on farm buildings, Solar items,  and safety items for Cattle, Sheep, Equine and Pig enterprises.  It will be an online application.  Standard funding will be 40% of the reference costs by the Department of Agriculture up to an €90,000 investment limit excluding VAT. Standard funding of 60% is available on Women Capital Investment items, Solar, Farm Safety and LESS.  Procedure will be that planning permission will be necessary whereby a house is required under the planning laws.

  • Grant is lesser of 40% of the reference costs by the Dept of Agriculture or own up to €90,000 investment excl Vat.
  • It is an online application.
  • Full Planning permission or Planning exemption is necessary for all farm buildings.
  • €40,000 threshold for low emission slurry spreading and €60,000 threshold for Registered Farm Partnerships
  • Farm partnerships and companies may apply on investments of up to €180,000
  • 60% grant aid for young trained farmers, Women capital investment, Solar and Farm Safety
  • Applicants who apply for animal housing and/or nutrient storage must have the required storage in place for the stock in the previous winter period
  • Minimum approval per application under all schemes is €2,000.

TAMS 3 Reference costings (July 2023) - all costings are exclusive of VAT.


TAMS 3 is currently open for applicationsIf you are interested in applying for a TAMS grant or would like further information Contact Us