The definition of a young farmer is under 40 years old on the date of application with a herd number in their name for less than five years and qualified with the relevant greencert education requirement.
National Reserve
New Entrants are eligible for National Reserve whereby they will receive BISS (Formerly BPS) entitlements from the national pool based on the number of hectares they apply for in the year of the scheme application and subject to a limiting factor of overall money within the budget pot. The basic allocation of approx. €154 per hectare. The maximum allocation of entitlements is 50ha's.
Complementary Income Support for Young Farmers
The complementary support for Young farmers replaced the Young Farmer Top up ion 2023. This scheme provides a top up on the average BISS Payment for a young farmer to support them in their first five years of farming.
The optimum time for starting up as a young farmer is January onwards. At any stage going forward they will therefore receive 5 years of a top up of approximately €175 per hectare on all the land they apply for in that year up to a maximum of 50ha’s.
Application for Herd/Flock Number
Download Herd No Application Form
The National Reserve and Complementary Income Support for Young Farmers is now closed for 2024. If you would like more information please Contact Us.