Nitrate Derogation

The Department of Ag have reviewed the Nitrate Derogation regulations to further protect the long term viability of Derogations on farms. There has been a significant amount of changes introduced since last year. 

 Nitrate changes Introduced   


  • You will need to apply lime as per soil results and we will let you know the quantities and timescale for same.
  • Low Emissions Slurry Spreading for all slurry
  • Dairy feed with a max of  15% Crude Protein in the ration allowed between the 15th of April and the 30th of September 2023. 
  • Grassland Management you must initially complete training courses as a new entrant and then measure grass annually (minimum of 20 measurements required)
  • Inclusion of Clover in newly reseeded swards of 1.5 Kgs/Ha of unpelleted clover, (Red or White varieties)
  • Biodiversity Measures: Hedgerow management plan which we will go through with you to explain on farm. 
  • As from 2023 Banding has been introduced for Dairy farmers which is determined by milk production on farm - we will calculate what this means for your farm.


If your annual stocking rate is greater than 170kgN/ha then you are obliged to have a Fertiliser plan on the farm and annually apply for a Nitrates Derogation from the Department of Agriculture. This must be completed prior to end of February each year.

Subsequent to derogation application we will also complete your annual fertiliser records which identify your farming activities and record all inputs (primarily feed, fertilizer & any imported manures) used.

Failure to do the required paperwork or incorrect applications of fertilizers and manures can lead to BISS penalties.

We will professionally complete your application and record keeping along with providing on- going advice for your farming program to ensure you remain compliant with the relevant limits for your farm business.

You also receive an annual fertilizer plan detailing the limits of fertilizers and other manures as they apply to your farm for that particular year.

We provide professional advice on Nitrate Regulations and assist in keeping farmers within the regulations that are required to comply with laws of the EU.

If you wish to get a derogation plan Contact Us


Nutrient Management Plan (NMP)

Nutrient Management Planning  is a critical of any farm business , We complete farm Nutrient Management Plans which provides you with information to optimise the use of fertilisers on your farm.

Recent research carried out on over 120 intensive dairy farms indicates that some farmers could save up to €5,000 by following a  Nutrient Management Plan. There would be a positive environmental impact from these farmers following the implementation of a NMP.

The Nutrient Management Plan provides you with detailed fertiliser advice based on soil analysis and crop requirements. The starting point for a NMP is to carry out soil analysis for major plant nutrients in order to determine whether there are sufficient resources already present to grow a crop. We can also test the soil in house and provide a very fast turnaround time for soil analysis.

As a requirement of participating in GLAS, every farmer must have a NMP completed  within 12 months of acceptance into the scheme. As part of our service we will do the necessary soil analysis and prepare fertilisation plans to comply with GLAS and optimise your farming practices.

Click here to download Nitrates Handbook


The Nitrate Derogation is now closed for applications in 2024. If you would like more information please Contact Us.