The Organic Farming Scheme is a 5 year programme. New entrants into the Organic Scheme will have to complete a training programme (25hrs) 3 – 4 days on joining scheme.
Payments are €300 per hectare for the first 2 years and €250 per hectare for the following 3 years.
Historically this would have been €250 and €170 so there has been an increase from the previous scheme.
The first 2 years of the programme, you are regarded as being in transition or known as conversion whereby you get the increased premiums of €300 per hectare. Once 2 years is complete and the land has been detoxed and classified as Organic and the payment drops to €250 per hectare.
There is also an annual participation payment to cover administrative costs - this is €2000 in year 1 of the programme and €1400 each year for the remainder of the contract.
Eligibility payments are based on a stocking density of 0.1 of a Livestock Unit per hectare so the same requirement as the ANC scheme. Also note it is a net forage area on the Basic income Support for Sustainability (BISS) application is eligible for payment. Once the 70 Hectares has been reached, the payments usually drop significantly to approx €30 per hectare thereafter so the optimum figure would be 70 hectares for stocking rates.
Organic Farming is well suited to sheep farming. The restrictions are that supplementary feedstuff must be fully organic which can be a little bit more expensive. No fertiliser is obviously permitted except for the use of Lime, Slag and Rock Phosphate. The use of a click, which is a spray to prevent blowfly is permitted and on request from a vet an annual worm and fluke dose is permitted. Also if there is a history of disease on the farm such as for example Pneumonia then the request for a vaccine is also permitted. Once the farm is stocked up and has joined the scheme then all animals from thereon in must be sourced organically. The only exception to this case is whereby, for breeding purposes, that on an annual basis a derogation may be got to purchase 10% of the breeding flock non organic. This must be sourced from a farmer and not permitted to buy through the mart.
Suckling cows system is also relatively suitable given that it is a pretty closed system whereby little or no purchases are brought into the farm once set up. Difficulties with suckling would be the wintering facilities for housing. The maximum area permitted for an animal to lie on under slats would be 50% therefore animals must have access to another 50% on solid ground/straw bedding/mats surface area. Cows may be out wintered as per traditional methods – min of 1 Livestock Unit/hectare. Similar to the sheep on request you can access permission to get a vaccine/worm dose on an annual basis. The same as the sheep, all feeds must be from an organic source. Once the farm is stocked up and has joined the scheme then all animals from thereon in must be sourced organically. The only exception to this case is whereby, for breeding purposes, that on an annual basis that derogation may be got to purchase 10% of the breeding herd non organically. This must be sourced from a farmer and not permitted to buy through the mart. The benefits of organic beef which receive a 25% top up of price per Kilo
Basically there are a few bodies responsible for the Organic Certification. Organic Trust and IOFGA are the most popular bodies.
The organic body will perform one inspection on the farm to ensure and certify that farming practices are in full compliance with organic farming. One other requirement apart from the training course is that a minimum of 15 livestock units are achieved on the farm prior to entry and the business plan is completed with application.
Capital investment for organic producers.Incorporates all investments in other schemes plus specific organic structures and equipment.60% Grant available - please see TAMS section of website for more information.
The Organic Farming Scheme is now closed. If you have any querie in relation to Organic Farming please Contact Us