The Basic Income Support for Sustainabiliy (BISS) replaced the BPS in 2023. 

Active Farmer & GAEC 8

In order to be eligible to receive CAP payments (e.g. BISS, Eco Scheme and Criss), each farmer must meet the active farmer check and also have a minimum of 4% GAEC 8 on their farm. GAEC 8 is the minimum share of a farmers land that must be devoted to non-productive areas or features (e.g. Hedges, Stone Walls, small ponds, drains/ditches, Archeological sites and monuments etc.). The active farmer check can be met by stocking requirement (Same as ANC) or other farming activites (Producing crops, Cutting hay/silage, topping or maintaining landscape features). If you do not meet the stock requirement check you will be asked how you intend to satisfy the active farmer check on your BISS application. 

Complementary Redistributive Income Support for Sustainability (CRISS)

All active farmers will receive a payment in the region of €40-€43 per hectare on the first 30 hectares.


Eco Scheme

The Eco Scheme is available to all active farmers who select certain actions each year and replaces Greening. The payment rate is expected to be in the region of €60-€65 per hectare. To qualify for this payment, a farmer must select 2 actions annually. There are 8 Agricultural Practices (AP) and 3 of these actions have an enhanced option which will allow a farmer to meet both options if selected annually.

Summary of Eco Scheme options: 

AP1 - Space for Nature - Land allocated to features (e.g. Hedge, Drain, Stone walls, Buffer/Margin, Woodland, Trees, Habitat, Rock/Scrub, Natura - Scrub, Riparian Zone, Pond) - 7% of land allocated for these features will satisfy one eco scheme action or 10% will satisfy 2 actions annually.

AP2 - Extensve Livectock Production - Where a farmer has a stocking rate of less than 1.2 Livestock units per hectare (LU/ha) this will satisfy one eco scheme action. If a farmer has a stocking rate of less than 1.2 LU/ha but greater than 0.10 LU/Ha they will satisfy both eco scheme actions. The stocking density will be based on 2022 data for 2023.

AP3 - Limiting Chemical Nitrogen Usage - Farmers cannot exceed the Max permitted application in 2023 as per table:

AP4 - Planting of Native Trees and/or Hedgerows - A minimum of 3 native trees OR 1 metre of hedgerow per eligible hectare must be planted if this option is selected and this will satisfy one eco scheme action for the year. If a farmer plants 6 native trees or 2 metres of hedgerow per eligible hectare this will satisfy both eco scheme actions for that year.

AP5 - Use of a GPS Controlled Fertiliser Spreader or GPS Controlled Sprayer - All Chemical Compound (Compond or Liquid) or all plant protection must be done with a GPS Fertiliser spreader/Sprayer.

AP6 - Soil Sampling and Appropriate Liming - This action can only be selected once every 3 years. One soil sample per 3 hectares and all eligible hectares must be sampled. Samples must be taken between 16th September 2022 and 15th September 2023 (Soil sampling programme results are not eligible). A minimum on one third of any liming requirement identified from soil results must be spread within 2023 and the rest in the following 2 years. Derogation Farmers or Farmers with a stocking rate over 170kg/ha cannot select this eco scheme action.

AP7 - Planting of a Break Crop - A farmer must have planted over 50% of their BISS land area with eligible arable crops and as least 20% of the arable area must be planted with a break crop of either Oilseed Rape, Oats, Peas and Beans or a combination of 2 between 01st October 2022 and 15th July 2023.

AP8 - Sowing a Multi Species Sward (MSS) - A farmer must reseed a minimum of 7% of eligible hectares with a multi-species swards. The crop must contain at least 2 grasses, 2 legumes and 2 herbs) and be established between 01st October 2022 and 15th July 2023, there must be a minimum 2m margin from the field boundary and the MSS must be kept for a minimum of 3 years after sowing.



The Department of Agriculture issued new Entitlement Values to all Entitlements in 2023. The value of entitlements going forward from 2023 to 2026 will continue to be based on a convergence model.  The principle behind this is basically that all payments will be moving towards a certain flattening out rate and the main aim is that all entitlements will converge towards the national average value.

Farmers can continue rent out any spare entitlements without land which allows farmers who are short land in their BISS application to avail of additional rental income for the spare units they have for that year. It also gives opportunity for farmers with spare land (naked acres) to avail of additional income by renting in entitlement units annually.


Benefits to lessor in Leasing entitlements out:

  • Additonal income from the rent which would be unused otherwise.
  • Lessor remains owner of entitlements at the end of year.
  • Eliminates requirement to rent additional conacre at huge costs.
  • No Capital Gains Tax Issue.
  • No Clawback to National reserve.

Benefits to lessee in Leasing entitlements in:

  • Additonal income from the entitlements on naked acres which would otherwise be nil.
  • Help to fund the costs of renting additional lands without entitlements.
  • No Capital expenditure.
  • Secure return on Investment.
  • Tax Deductable expense.



The 2024 BISS is now closed for applications. If you would like more information please Contact us