We are an Approved ACRES/FAS Planning Agency with Department of Agriculture We have been in operation since the opening of the REPS scheme in 1995. Our quality of farm plans to date has allowed us to expand the business and this model has evolved with AEOS,GLAS and now the ACRES scheme.

What is ACRES

  • Agri‐environmental scheme
  • Five year scheme with annual payments up to €7,311 (up to €10,500 possibly where farm is in part of the Co-op stream)
  • Options based scheme (not whole farm) with no limit on the number of options chosen
  • Involves Training and Scoring for result based actions

ACRES Options:

  • Barn Owl Box - €36.48/unit (Max. 2)
  • Brassica Fodder Stubble - €120/ha (Max. 10ha)
  • Catch Crops - €173.20/ha (Max. 20ha)
  • Commonage - up to €220/ha - result based
  • Conservation of Rare Breeds - €200/LU (Max 20LU)
  • Coppicing of Hedgerows - €2.87/m (Max. 400m)
  • Environmental Management of Arable Fallow - €1047/ha (Max. 5ha)
  • Extensively Grazed pasture - €250/ha (Max. 8ha)
  • Geese and Swans - €205/ha
  • Grass Margins Arable - 3m €0.38/m, 4m €0.51/m, 6m €0.76/m, 8m €1.01/m (Max. 2500m)
  • Grass Margins Grassland - 2m €1/m, 3m €1.10/m, 6m €1.37/m (Max. 2500m)
  • Laying of Hedgerows - €5.47/m (Max. 400m)
  • Low Emmission Slurry Spreading - €1.20/m3
  • Low Input Grassland - up to €400/ha - result based
  • Low Input Peat Grassland - up to €400/ha - result based
  • Management of Intensive grassland next to a watercourse - €502/ha (Max. 5ha)
  • Minimum Tillage - €40/ha (Max. 50ha)
  • Over Winter Stubble - €86/ha (Max. 50ha)
  • Planting a new Hedgerow - €5.29/m (Max. 750m)
  • Planting a Traditional Orchard - €27.49/Tree (Max. 10 trees)
  • Planting trees in riparian buffer zone - €3.18/tree (Max. 200 trees)
  • Protection and Maintanence of archaeological monument Arable - €209/unit (Max. 10 units)
  • Protection and Maintanence of archaeological monument Grassland - €125/unit (Max. 10 units)

  • Riparian Buffer Strip Arable- 3m €0.38/m, 4m €0.51/m, 6m €0.77/m, 8m €1.02/m 
  • Riparian Buffer Strip Grassland - 1.5m €1.30/m, 3m €1.71/m, 6m €2.11/m
  • Riparian Buffer Zone Arable - €1242/ha (Max. 2ha)
  • Riparian Buffer Zone Arable - €1530/ha (Max. 2ha)

  • Ryegrass seed set as winter food for birds - €1.37/m (Max. 2500m)
  • Traditional dry stone wall maintenance - €0.76/m (Max. 4000m)
  • Tree belts for ammonia capture from farmyards - €5028/ha (Max. 0.5ha)
  • Tree planting - €6.21/tree (Max. 300 trees)
  • Unharvested cereal headlands - 12m €1.26/m, 21m €2.20/m, 24m €2.52/m, 30m €3.15/m (Max. 1500m)
  • Winter Bird Food Plot - €1000/ha (Max. 3ha)
  • Winter Bird Food Strip - 6m €0.98/m, 8m €1.31/m (Max. 2500m)


ACRES is now closed. If you would like more information please: Contact Us . 028/23283